The great porridge experiment

I don’t really like porridge, but as a runner it’s supposed to be a bit like rocket fuel so this year while training for the marathon I thought I’d step out of my comfort zone (crunchy nut cornflakes) and give the oats a go.

My problem is, I really don’t like milk. It’s nothing personal I just can’t drink it or have any more than a splash in my tea or on my cereal. The same goes for cream, crème fraîche and anything like that.

As you can imagine, this presents a bit of a problem when you want to eat porridge. I’ve spoken to others about how they eat their porridge and it was suggested that I use water with a splash of milk so this morning I tried this. It looked pretty grim when it came out of the microwave and I had to pep it up with some sugar, but I at the whole lot. Not the greatest experience in the world but something to work on!

How do you eat yours?


Categories: London Marathon, Training, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | 6 Comments

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6 thoughts on “The great porridge experiment

  1. runkatierun

    With banana slices and a little squeeze of honey. Plain porridge is grim!


  2. 70g of oats made with water with a little milk to bring the temperature down so can be eaten right away, add sultanas or honey. And was bowl out right away or it’ll be impossible to clean!


    • Well it looks like honey is the way to go! Will try that tomorrow morning as I’ve a long club run. Cheers!


  3. Brown sugar and… Milk. Sorry, but I love the stuff.


  4. I have a similar problem as think I’m a bit lactose intolerant, so anything milky tends to cause digestive issues (if you know what I mean!). I’m enjoying Almond milk and soya pouring yoghurt on my cereal but not sure it would work with porridge as I don’t know if Almond milk should be heated. I make porridge with water and stir some cold Almond milk through it. Not quite the same, but it does the job 🙂


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